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Sideline Behavior Policy

Assault, physical or verbal, on fellow spectators, players, coaches, etc will NOT be tolerated at any level. Please do not threaten, insult, or make any negative remarks to the game officials.  All complaints should be in writing or by attending a league meeting. Complaints other than in this fashion will not be honored.

Any person found violating the code of conduct at either practice or games is subject to ejection and/or suspension. According to the Participant Contract any ejection/suspension could also be applied to the person's children.

Volunteer Policy

The Pennridge Greenjackets are a completely volunteer-run organization that relies heavily on the support of our parents. The most successful youth sports programs are noteworthy for their strong core of active, committed parents who are generous with their time and energy.  To ensure the best possible experience for everyone, we require each family volunteer for a minimum of 3 game day assignments and a minimum of 1 fundraising event. 

Alcohol Policy

Consuming alcoholic beverages is strictly prohibited at all times. This includes all playing fields, parking lots, the snack stand, and practice fields. This policy includes home and away games. Any member who is observed consuming alcohol in any of these places will be asked to leave immediately. Furthermore, due to safety concerns, anyone who is visibly intoxicated will be asked to leave the premises immediately.

Publicity Policy

Your child’s picture may appear in Greenjackets publicity from time to time, including but not limited to social media posts and our web site. 

Refund Policy

Click here to read our refund policy.